For sure, in order to boost your earning, you can start to invest your own money. Believe me, it is one of the legit site that pays and you can find tons of payment proofs on the internet. Unlike any other HYIP sites, they have long existed for few years, but this investment system called the JSS tripler was only introduced last year. If you join now, you are one year in behind than anybody else, but at least it is sooner than other people who have not heard about it for now.
Each position worth 10 dollars and you can buy as many positions as you like everyday. If you have enough positions, you will receive more money everyday and you can actually buy new positions with the money that you get everyday and we call this as compouding. So, literally it means, you use the interest that you get and invest again to boost up your earning. After 81 days, the positions will expire and every 4 positions that you have will convert into a JSS matrix position. For each JSS matrix position, you will get 60 dollars when it cycles. You can also refer other people to join under you and receive some commissions from them. Once your referral buy a position, you will get 1 dollar as commission.
It may seem a little complicated here. Let's look at a simple example to get a clearer picture about the website.
Suppose that you have 100 dollars and you plan to invest all of it on the 1st august 2012. During weekdays you will be getting 2% interest (20 cents) whereas during weekends you will get 1.5% interest (15 cents) for each position. You have 100 dollars, so you can buy 10 positions and you will be getting either 2 dollars or 1.5 dollars everyday.
If you don't want to use the money earned to buy new position, you will get 58 dollars at the end of august 2012 as shown in the picture below.
As you can see here, your positions have not yet expired since you have just passed 31 days. When your positions have finally expired, you will be getting 150 dollars back as shown in the picture below.
So, you net profit will be 150-100 = 50 dollars without doing anything at all, unlike other PTC sites. Wait, that is not all of it. After your positions have finally expired, you will get 1 JSS matrix position for 4 JSS tripler position that have expired. You have 10 JSS Tripler positions, so you will be getting 2 JSS matrix positions. And when they cycle, you will be getting 60 dollars for each one of them.
So, you net profit for your 100 dollars initial investment will be
+150 dollars (from the JSS Tripler postions)
+2 x 60 dollars (from the JSS matrix positions)
-100 dollars (initial investment for the JSS Tripler positions)
170 dollars !!!!!!
Without doing anything at all !!!!!
That is not all of it. If you know a bit of maths, for sure you know that you will be getting a higher profit if you choose to compound your positions. Let's take the same example for a clearer vision.
Suppose that you invest 100 dollars for 10 JSS Tripler positions on the 1st august 2012 too. At the end of the month, you will have a little cash balance left in your account since you use the cash to repurchase new positions.
As usual, let's us compare your earning at the end of 81 days of your first 10 positions as shown in the picture below. Note that you have less cash balance in your account since you use all the money that you get to purchase new positions. But, at that time, you will be having 42 active positions as compared to 10 positions if you choose not to compound your earning.
For sure, you can keep on compounding your earning to boost up your earning over time. Once you are satisfied with the number of active positions that you have, then you can start to withdraw money and believe me, you are going to get a bigger amount of profit if you choose to compound your earning.
So, why wait now? Join it here and start making tons of money.
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